A landscape portrays a square with a set of dark orange huge kanjis, lettering, and various warm-colored trees.

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Hoje a live foi divertida! To pensando em começar a fazer menções aos que conversaram bastante comigo durante, pois foi muito legal!🐼💖😊

E eu fiquei treinando a escrita do い e ち, mas tenho que continuar a aprender para conseguir ler os kanjis e conversar mais facilmente👉👈

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SBS 105

Oda revela que tama es una Kurozumi.
Se confirma que los kanjis de las tumbas de sus padres en el 1051 eran los de esa familia.

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J'ai regarde d'un peu plus près et c'est bourrée de refs Shiro ! T'as même mis du jojo's, des kanjis, du gura et un [Insérer vtuber references]. On m'as dit aussi que tu as mis des céréales kellogg's dans les références et de la moutarde, mais ça, je n'ai pas encore trouvé 😆

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Me writing the addresses of the packages with a fancy calligraphy pen, despite the fact that I don't know how to write most of the kanjis. Will the packages arrive to their destinations? I can only pray for them.

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As the monoliths descended, we walked towards the shimmer of a metal we've not seen for centuries. The doors slid open to reveal rows of Kanjis. They were in metallic framed glass capsules. A neon plasma-like fluid kept the beings fused. They had come for healing.

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Estou avançando no sétimo volume de Chainsaw Man. Se for somar as páginas lidas até agora totalmente em japonês , dá algo em torno de 1200. Está ajudando muito o meu ritmo de leitura e compressão de kanjis. Quero ver como vou estar ao finalizar o volume 12. Estou animado! 💙

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Good afternyan, and here's my for today: 色, color.

I don't really have a good mnemonic for remembering this kanji. suggested a rainbow, like over a waterfall, since that has 7 colors.

Thanks for studying with me today! ^_^

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Good afternyan! Today's is 茶, tea.

It's a little unconventional, but if you flip this upside down, it becomes a little cup sitting on the grass with tea leaves brewing inside, and the scent rising off of the brew. ^_^


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It's time for my Today is 米, rice.

I've found that it works really well to think of 米 as a cluster of rice grains. Many kanji are like that. If you have a different way to remember it, please share! ^_^

みゃりがとう for studying with me!

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Good afternyan, and here's my daily featuring 麦, wheat/barley!

It took me a while to work out how to remember this kanji, but it's best remembered as a sheaf of wheat sticking up out of the ground with the roots below.

Thanks and また明日!

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Good afternyan! Today's is 鳴, chirp!

It's actually 鳥(bird) and 口(mouth), so it's easy to keep track of if you know those two kanji. Though this kanji is also used for all sorts of general noises now.

Thanks for studying with me! またあした!

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Good afternyan! My for today is 羽, feathers.

This kanji has been simplified a lot, but it makes it easier to see that it's based on feathered wings. ^_^

Thanks for stopping by, I really appreciate it. またあした!

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Good afternyan! Today's is 鳥, bird!

This also continues our streak of kanji that look remarkably like their concepts, as this looks very much like a bird with its wing out.

I'm also getting a little hungry from this kanji. XD


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Good afternyan! I'm covering 魚, fish, for my today!

Like several of the recent kanji I've covered, this was originally based on the depiction of a fish. You have the head on top, the scaly body in the middle, and the fin at the end.


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Good afternyan! I'm covering 牛, cow, for my today.

A good way to see this is as a simplified frontal view of a bull's head - horns on top with the lines in the shape of the head.

If you have a different way to remember, that works too! ^_^

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Welcome to my today featuring 馬, horse!

This is another kanji where it strongly resembles its concept - you have the barrel-like body, four legs, and a tail. Sometimes it's easier to do that than to break it down into components.


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Good afternyan! My today is 肉, meat!

This kanji looks almost exactly like a chunk of meat, so it's a really easy one to remember. ^_^

And it has the advantage of being very もぐもぐ!

にゃりがとう! See you tomorrow!

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Good afternyan, and here's my featuring 食, eating!

This is another tough one to associate; I think of this as a person wearing a hat putting food in their mouth, thus "eating".

Why the hat? To keep the sun off, of course. ^_^


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I have merged an axe with a katana
(idk if those are the corrects kanjis lmao)

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