It's Dr. Seuss' birthday! What's your favorite Dr. Seuss book?

No surprise here, but I love reading, and am a strong advocate for reading to children! Reading for children and to children is so valuable and important!

1 3

Books are the carriers of civilization. Without books, history is silent, literature dumb, science crippled, thought and speculation at a standstill.
~ Barbara W. Tuchman

Nick C. Roberts

0 0

"Don't tell me that you love me when the cane is sweet. Show me u love me when the stalk is bitter & the path is hard to plow." Treat her right or someone else will. *amreading *bookclubs *romance *booklovers 󲝤
*quote *queenSugar *BLACKSENSUALITY

0 0

The Dream Walker
The silence of the street seemed to close in around him whilst his own thoughts were riddled with disquiet.
amreading fantasy ILikeBigBooks epicfantasy mustread swordandsorcery

3 2

Just finished “Catching up” , it’s a 5⭐️ from me, a time travelling treat.

Next up , loved book 1 so looking forward to this one. 🙏

11 21

He spread his arms wide, tilted his head back, and let five billion cheering, chanting voices carry him aloft.
"Elijah! Elijah! Elijah!


There's Evil... and then there's HIM.

102 66

The galaxy must once more fight for its very survival, as forces that are almost as old as the galaxy itself work against it...
Craving for Check it out.

4 2

From the author of the internationally acclaimed bestseller, THE LAST DAY, comes another mind-boggling tale of and intrigue.


4 0

The galaxy must once more fight for its very survival, as forces that are almost as old as the galaxy itself work against it...
Craving for Check it out.

9 2

He spread his arms wide, tilted his head back, and let five billion cheering, chanting voices carry him aloft.
"Elijah! Elijah! Elijah!


There's Evil... and then there's HIM.

17 7

Randomly Generated Wings Of Fire

DoomReader and her three adopted dragonets

10 85

Read a multi-award-winning
STAGE 3 is everywhere
Start the series and experience the
"Well written, unrelenting, and suspenseful!"

6 5