The Krapina 58 mandible has a rotated left premolar, a trait found in a curiously high fraction of this large Neandertal sample. It may reflect the genetics of this local population

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📚 AO, petit Neandertal - Claire Troilo & Emmanuel Roudier

1 2

For more than 100 years, the remains of a Neandertal child lay unrecognized in Belgium after being unearthed in 1829. Much of the child's context was lost in excavation, but today Engis 2 is crucial evidence about growth and development in

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The perils of understanding extinct populations with morphology are front and center with the Arago sample. Were they early Neandertals, or something else? My guess is a mosaic of drift in ancient Eurasian populations.

13 62

Was burial of the dead practiced by Neandertals or is it an innovation to our species?
There are indications in favour of the first hypothesis:
Recent evidences of a neanderthal child buried 41000 years ago in Dordogne France:
Image: anibal/

30 106

La Ferrassie 8

-Hurrengo asteazkenean informazio berria neandertal honi buruz
-Come wednesday, new information about this individual
-El próximo miércoles, nuevos datos sobre este neandertal

10 30

Esta semana he actualizado el blog con dos nuevas traducciones de
Charla de Steven Erikson con lectores sobre Polvo de sueños▶️
Neandertales, el mundo malazano y el tiempo profundo, ensayo de Erikson▶️

8 25

My talk on the peopling of western Eurasia by Homo populations and their interactions with local given at the last meeting is now on line via :

29 138

Los neandertales y otras muchas variedades humanas extintas confeccionaban piezas laboriosas y planificadas de artesanía, y es lógico pensar que valoraran tanto su función como el esfuerzo invertido, y que los artesanos las usaran como marca de habilidad o identidad. A partir...

5 12

Sometime between 370-150,000 years ago Neandertals got a Y chromosome from a more modern-like source population. This ultimately spread throughout all later Neandertal populations from which anyone has sampled DNA.

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Un chiste para hacer pensar sobre el egoísmo y falta de responsabilidad de quien decide no usar mascarilla y hasta tomarse a broma las medidas de contención de la pandemia. Pero recurre a la visión muy obsoleta de los neandertales como humanos inferiores, toscos, etc. HT

9 12

o que foi que eu fiz pq eu to rindo desse neandertal

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Neandertals on the beach: Use of marine resources at Grotta dei Moscerini (Latium, Italy)

Villa P. et al. via journals.plos

2 6

Spent much of 2019 thinking about and trying to rebuild Neandertal brain endocasts with my students. Hoping for more of that in 2020!

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Santa Claus/Saint Nicholas = An evolved folk memory of surviving Euroasian Neandertals ~~> Wild People / Wild Men. ~

7 29

Recreación de un neandertal. Crédito: Graham Ford

14 60

Endocranial shape Neandertals v. Modern Humans: A=Nea, La Chapelle-aux-Saints, elongated. B=MH, globular. Arrows=enlarged posterior cranial fossa (housing the cerebellum) & bulging of parietal bones in MHs compared to Nea. Source: Gunz et al (2019)

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