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The Krapina 58 mandible has a rotated left premolar, a trait found in a curiously high fraction of this large Neandertal sample. It may reflect the genetics of this local population #hominin #paleoanthropology
For more than 100 years, the remains of a Neandertal child lay unrecognized in Belgium after being unearthed in 1829. Much of the child's context was lost in excavation, but today Engis 2 is crucial evidence about growth and development in #paleoanthropology #hominin
The perils of understanding extinct populations with morphology are front and center with the Arago #hominin sample. Were they early Neandertals, or something else? My guess is a mosaic of drift in ancient Eurasian populations. #paleoanthropology
Was burial of the dead practiced by Neandertals or is it an innovation to our species?
There are indications in favour of the first hypothesis:
Recent evidences of a neanderthal child buried 41000 years ago in Dordogne France: https://t.co/QvF0xQ7TDj
Image: anibal/stock.adobe.com
La Ferrassie 8 #Neandertal
-Hurrengo asteazkenean informazio berria neandertal honi buruz
-Come wednesday, new information about this individual
-El próximo miércoles, nuevos datos sobre este neandertal
@abalzeau @ICrevecoeur
Esta semana he actualizado el blog con dos nuevas traducciones de #Malaz:
Charla de Steven Erikson con lectores sobre Polvo de sueños▶️ https://t.co/SiWA3xtVlv
Neandertales, el mundo malazano y el tiempo profundo, ensayo de Erikson▶️ https://t.co/ZP9fCNeD0t
My talk on the peopling of western Eurasia by Homo #sapiens populations and their interactions with local #Neandertals given at the last #ESHE2020 meeting is now on line via @YouTube : https://t.co/u4CEaIv2iK
Los neandertales y otras muchas variedades humanas extintas confeccionaban piezas laboriosas y planificadas de artesanía, y es lógico pensar que valoraran tanto su función como el esfuerzo invertido, y que los artesanos las usaran como marca de habilidad o identidad. A partir... https://t.co/vns9X8HFKS
Sometime between 370-150,000 years ago Neandertals got a Y chromosome from a more modern-like source population. This ultimately spread throughout all later Neandertal populations from which anyone has sampled DNA.
Un chiste para hacer pensar sobre el egoísmo y falta de responsabilidad de quien decide no usar mascarilla y hasta tomarse a broma las medidas de contención de la pandemia. Pero recurre a la visión muy obsoleta de los neandertales como humanos inferiores, toscos, etc. HT @Kalysis
Pin parental. Nueva viñeta vía Patreon:
#PINparental #PINParentalYa #PinAbascal #PinNeandertal
#15January #January15 #15Gennaio 2020
Neandertals on the beach: Use of marine resources at Grotta dei Moscerini (Latium, Italy)
Villa P. et al. via journals.plos
#Seashells #Archaeology #Paleoanthropology #Neandertal #Neanderthal @FemoraleShells
Spent much of 2019 thinking about and trying to rebuild Neandertal brain endocasts with my students. Hoping for more of that in 2020!
@KelchTyler Santa Claus/Saint Nicholas = An evolved folk memory of surviving Euroasian Neandertals ~~> Wild People / Wild Men. ~ @CryptoLoren
Our new work about the Regourdou #Neandertal sacrum
The right sacral ala is abnormally short
Great work led by #Rebeka_Rmoutilová
#Paleopathology #Developmental_anomalies
@PACEA_Bordeaux @ehuscientia @ehugeologia #ehupaper
Endocranial shape Neandertals v. Modern Humans: A=Nea, La Chapelle-aux-Saints, elongated. B=MH, globular. Arrows=enlarged posterior cranial fossa (housing the cerebellum) & bulging of parietal bones in MHs compared to Nea. Source: Gunz et al (2019) https://t.co/TrdnMd91he