Remember my post about the meaning of the symbol of Goatfish? Symbol for the wet season in Mesopotamia, which starts with rain, when goats mate, and ends with flood, when carps mate...

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Black Adam (2022) / DC Comics
"Black Adam is dead, and the Mesopotamian gods of Akkad are having a field day. Black Adam's descendant Malik becomes his successor: Bolt "
Story Christopher Priest
Art Rafa Sandoval

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Mesopotamian, 3000 - 2000 B.C.

Shell, red limestone and lapis lazuli

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- Historically correct
• Antique diving suit

- Variants, other timelines, whatever.
• Diving suit (artifact
style diving suit (joking)

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I registered for The First Civilization: Mesopotamia at Oxford University continuing education \o/

I think these Oxford classes have saved my sanity lol

There's nothing more recreational to me than a good University class.

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Uttu, the Mesopotamian goddess of weaving, taught mortal women to weave, ushering in a new era in which humans less often froze to death or burned in the sun. Her name means woven in Sumerian & resembles the Akkadian word for spider, ettūtu.

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Taurus, which believed as the Earth elements.
It also known as “The Great Bull of Heaven” by the Mesopotamians.
When a Taurus sets their mind to something, it’s going to happen.
Taureans move at a slow & steady pace.

♉Taurus: The Ancient Guard of Earth


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Ok, my OC.

This is my demon mermaid Nammu, a fierce warrior and hunter. Named for the Mesopotamian primeval sea goddess.

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These fusion arts made are from ancient Mesopotamia-Persian motifs in combination with colorful Qashqai patterns that have been used in handmade woven wool rugs from old days till now.

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"Titty Pussy" NFTs are over 10,000 years old, first discovered in Ancient Mesopotamian scrimshaw. They are prophecised to one day become as valuable as the moon. If you touch one, you will suddenly enjoy pegging.

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Starting a new ttrpg game set in the bronze age, sumerian/babylonian/mesopotamian type vibe with magic and gods and stuff, and i drew some images from the gods in this setting for my players (thread moment bc theres more than 4 images)

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Getting obsessed about generating textures with noise functions,the series is highly inspired from ancient mesopotamian civilizations and their mythology

šibu series 00-01-02-03

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⭐️New Reading Vid⭐️
This time we learn about ancient mesopotamien myths.
Perfect to listen to in the background. (◡‿◡ )
Link down below

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Because my Iofi Mesopotamian costume edits inspired by this certain doujin, i tried to edit Iofi with the doujin panel, and wow it fits so well lol xD

Source: 332711

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New video up on the channel drawing a tabaxi warlock who's patreon is mesopotamian god of war and death Nergal!

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Afinal, da onde vem o nome "Sumeru"??

Basicamente sobre o significado da palavra Sumeru existem duas vertentes, a primeira que acredita que o Sumeru vem de "Suméria" a antiga nação da mesopotâmia e a segunda que acredita que Sumeru vem do Monte Meru...

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En Mesopotamie Lamashtu, deesse malefique a tête de lion et serres de rapaces acérées, allaite un cochon et un chien en tenant des serpents, debout sur un âne.
Elle est probablement a l'origine du démon Lilith de la mythologie juive.

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Me la pase super genial en el directo de arte y
Mil gracias por la raid y a los donadores de bits y de dolarucos
El tremendo Gomitas_1 y el inigualable iken que aun no se su Twitter

Y a todas las personitas que estuvieron un besopoto enorme

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Join me and as we talk about ancient Mesopotamian Gods and Kings and their bewbs.
live in 15 minutes

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