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@Brightmarefuel @DrLavaYT @RacieBeep Like I said, it might have been a pre-spaceworld design.
Como informa @DrLavaYT, los sprites beta filtrados en los últimos años se deben a un hackeo de la red interna de Nintendo.
➡️ Sprites de la demo de Oro y Plata en Spaceworld 1997
➡️ Sprites del prototipo de Rojo y Verde
➡️ Sprites beta con diferencias de sexo de Diamante y Perla
Team Spaceworld Member: Nintendo Was Hacked
All 3 major Pokemon beta leaks -- Gold & Silver's 1997 demo, Gen 1 prototype assets, and all the Gen 4 beta sprites -- were the result of a hack. The story was just made public late Christmas night.
Full story: https://t.co/k8bVglFXar
@DrLavaYT Here's Clefairy's Gen 1 artwork, recolored to match its Spaceworld Shiny colors.
#swshfacts Earlier today the new Pokemon Sirfetch'd, a Galarian evolution of Farfetch'd, was revealed today. However, according to possible datamines of the Gold and Silver 1997 SpaceWorld demo, an evolution for Farfetch'd has been planned before.
i fused sirfetch'd and the scrapped farfetch'd evo from spaceworld gold, madame
#pokemon #farfetchd #sirfetchd #madame
Sirfetch'd está bien pero me gustaba más Madam... Spaceworld está un pasito más cerca de ser real, solo nos falta Kotora.
@DrLavaYT @RacieBeep Might I add that the Spaceworld 97 sprite is very similar to the art of Ho-oh Gamefreak used for New Years 1997 on their website.
Awesome gift done by zeroblack97 in DA
#Wildstar #Wildbound #Chua #LunaMuenster #SpaceWorld
I have been uploading my #Pokémon art to my new tumblr over the past months. If you enjoy my work please consider sharing it around here or there, and thanks! :) https://t.co/EMrxAanSW1 #nintendo #fanart #wingull #tropius #lurantis #popplio #brionne #spaceworld97 #pokemongoldbeta
anyway i bring this up is bc im goin through the list of spaceworld 97 backsprites and comparing them to the matching fronts from blue, and i just really wanted to show that golbat's eyes extending off its head was a conscious design decision that the matching backsprite reflects
Can't have the sunfish without its evolution, #181 Ikari! I based the anchor on real ones, rather than the cartoony ones you usually see. Lining up gradients for both of these models was a pain. #Pokemon #Spaceworld #3dArt
Download: https://t.co/tIkMNhgvfj
Remember the #Spaceworld demo for #PokemonGold and #PokemonSilver? I couldn't resist making #3dArt of the unnamed sunfish (#180 Manbō1) in the style of #PokemonX and #PokemonY. I also learned too much about ocean sunfish.
Download: https://t.co/GXUDKRbXNy
Tonight at 6pm CT on Twitch we'll be painting Tangela and Tangrowth! Any ideas for a theme for these two?
Our original Tangela was trying to unknot earbuds.
(As a side note, let us not forget the Spaceworld leak, which contained a baby Tangela and an early Tangrowth.)