I uh, made a ship child with Shizaya and uh ya. I crossed something off so don’t worry about it

0 1

Insert loud chortle here

I love Mario and Luigi AUs, don’t you?

0 3

// HA-HA! Theeere we go.

I actually like how this looks.


0 6

“Uhmm, you know what.. I don’t care anymore!”
ohstaRCLANWHATAMIDOING https://t.co/gNq6ghFuUD

2 3

Did the "Draw your fave in one of your outfits" thing and needless to say I'm EXHAUSTED.

2 8

Ok let's see this
- The
- and the
Also I wanna try some new things in the near future

3 13

Stress can do a lot to ya, Juno here can attest to that! Suffering from the stress FWOMPHS (A good thing he secretly enjoys being so round or this might be a problem)

Art by ohwhatamidoing on FA

17 129

When you want to show off to your friends your cosplay and ive been watching jojo for some time.

0 1

Tambre Sarune - "Welcome to Sunny Ala Mhigo!"

Commission for Tambre Sarune of (NA) Server!

"Gunblades on motorcycles."


6 16


0 4

the first time i try to paint in a long time...bc obv theres nothing better to do in class-
idk why i subjected myself to this IN CLASS WHERE I ONLY HVE...A MOUSE..
i didnt bother with the ears bc it wasnt meant to be...this level

1 2

Just listened to and stream saving and I heard soomeoone (michael) wanting to see in a so HAVE IT. TAKE IT xD

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