Did a quick revision work of my wacky pineapple (part of a request) for any of my rag tag stick wicky sinch spinach fans out there!!! 🍍😎🍍

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{It doesn't matter if you poor/ugly/handsome because at the end of the day. We be working hard for that weekend pay, so I drink to all of you amazing people out there}

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We are getting our Christmas tree today! We all deserve extra festivity and cheer this Christmas♥️ It will be an extra difficult time for some. Sending love and good vibes to everyone!♥️

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Trying out new styles and coloring. Not my fav but I had a good time messing around☺️

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ガチャ「# Good Vibes Only」販売中💖

いますぐポケコロへ ⇒ https://t.co/4SZdQMyBRe

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I’ve been working on smooches. Some Ocs (Kiba and Yuichi) volunteered as tribute.

Sometimes you just gotta draw blush sof shit to get through, ya know?

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[To all my hard working people]

I personally want to you. That no one appreciates you like me because I understand how difficult it is to work especially when it's cold outside. Keep on hustling, keep on getting that money fam! 💗

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Sending this to everyone who needs a hug today, is facing some hardships today, is missing their family today, or feeling overwhelmed and is still trying their best today. You are awesome and and I believe in you. ✨😊✨

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Mon instant moteur du jour 😁Un instant complice et câlin avec mon mini nous 🥰. rien de tel pour recharger nos batteries 👍 c’était quoi votre instant moteur ? Bonne nuit 💤 et faites de beaux rêves

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TIME what you dont have
No 2 waste but 2 meet
Clocks ticking so are you
Time a healer & the killer

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