thread: info about the ongoing siege of the chinese university of hk (1/2)

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10 Nov 2019 原來捉市民第一件事唔係帶委任證係要帶頭套👎👎👎

599 562

Houndour hopes him and other doggos don’t get a bad rep for being police doggos.
Also, he wishes his master will stop gassing him.

11 19

10月嘅香港版inktober活動已圓滿結束,嚟緊我地會有11月嘅活動,歡迎大家繼續參與!💕 詳情請參閱以下圖片

53 81

卡比獸:Roadblock 嘅最佳選擇🕺
Snorlax is the best choice for roadblock.

75 182

My contribution to Thank you to the volunteer medics who go out there to help people every day. You put yourselves at risk to help others. We don't deserve you.

50 98

27.07.2019 - The day Yuen Long covered with tear gas. People marched around Yuen Long, where the gangs terror attack happened week ago.

Police fired rounds of tear gas, even targeted around a elderly caring centre.

2 7

Charizard is allowed to fly, but the police shoot tear gas despite prior approval.

Save Charizard, save Hong Kong.

50 88

A human Ear Necklace —— new jewelry delivered from last night‘s pro Beijing attack.
An ear,several eyes and dozens of young lives of HongKong protesters are all in her bloody collection.
Enough is enough!

495 672

The are out of control! This is another shopping mall in TaiPo, they attack an elderly, push her on the floor! Inside the shopping mall are all residents. There’s no reason to enter the mall!

672 565

It is nice, in an age of dystopias, to see Toronto - a city I love very much - imagined as its best self: peaceful and beautiful and free.

I hope we all get to see such futures!

45 316