USk Liguria collaborate with other groups and are hosting an inaugural sketchbook exhibition this year.
Read more in this month's

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Tried to paint St Anne’s pier in the rain. Oil and water do not mix. 🥴I was trying to put oil paint on but the rain was wetting my brushes and it was taking the paint off 🤨 sketch

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It is only by drawing often, drawing everything, drawing incessantly, that one fine day you discover, to your surprise, that you have rendered something in its true character
One week 100 people challenge help you to get ready for that

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Another sketch from our visit to last weekend.... Fun to try to finish a sketch before the kitty moves!
Watercolor and Fountain Pen.

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First page of challenge.
Thankful for the Honda Cafe... Always people there at lunch.
Watercolor and Fude pen.

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Para mim, este é o Jardim Botânico + bonito de e no fds de 4 e 5 de Maio vai receber a Festa da Primavera e da Cultura com exposição de plantas, feira de jardinagem e música ao vivo.
5 de Maio, 15h-18h e os USk têm entrada gratuita :-)

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Moving a little further along the pre-painted accordion sketchbook and sketching at the Cafe in the Crypt . A little bit of the clock at Waterloo Station too.

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