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A writer must teach himself that the basest of all things is to be afraid.

45 37

Leave a decent space of time between writing something and editing it.

123 134

I went to college, but I learned to write by reading and writing.

73 133

A writer fails, not when a reader is not moved; but when, as a reader, the writer is not moved.
~de Marigny

18 35

New Just felt more wordsy this morning than artsy. :)
<3 Morning hug!

0 1

Creation of is a mixture of subjective feel and objective control.

Piotr Ruszkowski

17 27

"Art Careers and Your Personality Type" https://t.co/PlKETwkmIN [Infographic]

0 1

Never worry about being I like obsessive people. Obsessive people make great art.
Susan Sontag

11 30

Of all the in the the are your own
Rudyard Kipling


11 17

is good, he said, and are better.
— George R.R. Martin

48 80

Rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life. -J.K. Rowling

26 51

You build sand with & create a place where your can wander.

Art Warren

19 42

Craziness is part of the creative process.

34 19