Joining for a collective with a Grenouille des bois, Lithobates sylvaticus 🐟☀️

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After the male courtship, female mottled sculpin follow him in its nest, normally under a rock, to lay her eggs.

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For theme "things that burrow," here's tapirostrum, the Cretaceous hagfish described last week. Here it's burrowing into the bloated belly of a mosasaur by tying itself in a knot. Colored pencil on illustration board.

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In spite of its name, the Arctic grayling often displays very flashy colors and iridescent scales.

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A mini quick and PhD commentary and yes another angler fish- I love drawing these.

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Happy Here's a Red Spikefish, as part of the Triacanthodidae theme. Done on Adobe Photoshop. ~2hrs.

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Bullseye spikefish: Johnsonina eriomma. I love eyespots.

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Peces mediterráneos: Jurel, Trachurus trachurus. Sardina, Sardina pilchardus. Boquerón, Engraulis encrasicolus

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Adorable spikefish for the today. These guys are related to triggerfishes and pufferfishes.

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Enjoyed drawing this past week and covered most of my favourite including and Looking forward to the tomorrow 🙂

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is a uniquely beautiful fish; this stripey is one of the most common living in our lakes and rivers and can grow up to 8 - 9 pounds in weight. Perch usually gather in large when hunting for food.

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Highlights from the
Rubeosaurus, Orodus, Samotherium and Gargantuavis.

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For here's a throwback of Lunaspis, the Devonian placoderm whose name appropriately means 🌙🛡️ (weird to remember the entire 1st half of 2018 for me was drawing the Paleozoic with colored pencils in a sketchbook)

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I’m getting in on First character: this lovely European Flounder. One of my favorite fishes!

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For I give you the much loved Gourami. A fan favorite of many an aquarist. These guys are native to Asia.

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Day 16 and a A watercolour painting of the world's largest bony fish, the ocean sunfish (Mola mola), pictured here with some brown sea nettle jellies, one of its preferred foods!

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Shortnose Gar for today's These guys are some of my favorite freshwater fish!

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Still working with watercolors. Black seadevil for

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3 sarcopterygian fish from the Silurian. From the top: Guiyu oneiros, Megamastax, and Psarolepis. 2/3 of these were pretty big predators of the Silurian seas, with Guiyu reaching about 13in while Megamastax is estimated at around 1m (3.28ft)

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