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Je vais devenir le meilleur mangaka français

33 190

hi I’m a French artist aspiring to become an illustrator & mangaka, and live from my art, rt are truly appreciated 🙏🙇‍♀️

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*jpf ada yang punya list mangaka yg ngegambar ilustrasi post creditnya diamond no ace gak??
Sender bru nyampe epsd 46 tpi penasaran bgt krna ngerasa familiar sma beberapa art stylenya 😭

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Réédition de "La Femme insecte" d'Osamu Tezuka chez FLBLB. Prépubliées entre mai 1970 et février 1971, les pages de cet ouvrage marquent le tournant adulte du mangaka. Chronique sur BoDoï : https://t.co/ADmg2enWQ8

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Hello, I’m Emina, I’m a mangaka and webcomic creator that loves to play Sky:cotl.

Here some creations of my Stories: ALFA on , My manga Tweeling! And some fanarts. Love the traditional art and the programs I use are CSP and Procreate

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Opa aqui é o mangakahero ou hero!! Perai vocês já ouviram falar em KAMI NO MUSUKO??Não?? Psr, Kami no musuko é o meu mangá que estou criando a dois anos, que conta a história de um garoto de 16 anos que desobedeceu o seu pai que é um Deus e sofreu na Dinamarca por escravidão.#KNM

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RESULTADOS ➡️➡️➡️ Vuestra mangaka BL favorita es Asumiko Nakamura. Es cierto que es la que más tiempo lleva consolidada en el mercado aquí y por ello habrá ganado más lectoras a lo largo de estos años. Las otras autoras son recientes. Aquí las obras favoritas de cada una. https://t.co/xGXQzmuRVU

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I am Joctaed and Im a aspiring mangaka, my inspiration would be boichi among others, here´s some stuff i´ve done.

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Thank you so much!! Yo I'm Shiinashi a Mangaka, VTuber, Illustrator, and animator! It's chaotic vibes and fun in Cyber Hell muahaha! Here's my links!
My Manga: https://t.co/wKNahiJNAU

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cyberpunk inspired piece i did for a challenge over on ig

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I need to know if you want me to continue my collaboration with this young with my 4404
« In a post apocalyptic world in wich radioactivity has modified animals, KITARO 4404 rise a gang against the craziest: OVER THINK »

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Tabata’s been through a lot. Got ghosted by his editor and after HS didn’t pursue a higher education because he wanted to be a mangaka. He eventually found a new editor and the rest is history. He worked on HJ, but that sadly got axed, but he finally got a hit with Black Clover.

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Conozco varios artistas e incluso mangakas que utilizan los modelos 3d para agilizar su trabajo, miralo mas como una herramienta que te facilita el dibujar poses difíciles, post. Este dibujo es de hace unos años y utilize un modelo 3d para guiarme 💙

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إبحار 🐋🌊✨

تشوفون افضل الملون او السكيتش”؟”

9 53

Les dragons japonais, ont de longs corps écailleux, des queues serpentines, des dents et des griffes acérées, ...

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