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Prey that can fight back! This Carcharodontosaurus might have met it’s match against a Pentaceratops! I was looking to draw some bigger Jurassic World dinosaurs in battle as my past few ones have been on the smaller side.
#Heterodontosaurus #ヘテロドントサウルス
#Eocursor #エオカーソル
#Antetonitrus #アンテトニトルス
#Massospondylus #マッソスポンディルス
Late but here is a painting of a sleeping Ceratosaurus for Dinocember week 3! #paleoart
Since I’ve already talked about Gorgosaurus, here’s another Canadian tyrannosaurid for #Theropodacember, #Daspletosaurus (“frightful lizard”). Art by @SerpenIllus.
Rocky Spokes would've love a Giant Apatosaurus Toy just saying...
#TheLoudHouse #LoudHouse
#NFTCommunity #nftart
Commission (April-May) part 16
@RrovW @KrousserArklam
Adoptables: Don_lunarfang (CERATOSAURUS)
Drobak (Bull)
Though Christ wouldn’t be born for another 150 million years (give or take), Mr. Ceratosaurus loved this most wonderful time of year. Merry Christmas!
#christmas #dinosaurs #ceratosaurus
#Bradycneme #ブラディクネメ
#Telmatosaurus #テルマトサウルス
#Balaur #バラウル
@morningsaur *Coughs*
Way too many 2name.
And? I have a comfortsona which is the ceratopsian (Avaceratops) named Thistle!
We have Nyx, (me) a hybrid of a Microraptor & Phoenix.
Then we have a Yuttyranus named Kanani. (Based off an orca & my ❤️ for Hawaii)
Then? Pearl. Tenontosaurus grump ftw!
Among the largest carnivorous dinosaurs ever, Carcharodontosaurus measured 13.3 metres long & weighed 15 tonnes!
(Credit Mohamad Haghani, Vu Bui)
Finally finished this, there's a lot of mistakes and I tried to paint over to correct some but, basically just want to free up old art to finish new, better art! I've learned a lot since I started this so it's kinda embarrassing now but here you are! #paleoart #giganotosaurus
#Albertosaurus #アルバートサウルス
#Edmontosaurus #エドモントサウルス
#Pachyrhinosaurus #パキリノサウルス
#Borealopelta #ボレアロペルタ
#PRDinovember2021 25. Ancient Thunder: Suuwassea and the Lesser Sauropods. On the Morrison fern prairie, a Suuwassea browses on low-lying vegetation, while in the background, a Kaatedocus notices the arrival of a thunderous herd of Brontosaurus.
There are other dinosaur artists making crazy beautiful pieces… then there’s me making fan art of the Goo Jit Zu Jurassic World figures. But in all seriousness, the stylized design they have is pretty nice. Here’s the Giganotosaurus.#JurassicWorldDominion