Write a or a about this picture.

Here are my attempts: Kath' refused to smile at anyone.

Solemn face
Refusing to smile
Crooked teeth
Makes her believe
No one will want her
If they’re not straight

94 103

An orgasm of the soul puts me in an undefined spiritual realm.

3 21

Children’s author & poet w/a traditionally pubbed pb, Many poems in anthologies by Bloomsbury, Nat Geo, Little, Brown, Macmillan, Penguin, etc. currently working on YA verse novel &memoir. website: https://t.co/zzGCfrarP7 I follow all writers

0 2

She always wanted the things she could never have
And yet
She never found a reason
Not to try

2 4

I failed to see the humor
In his infinite jest
I silenced his laughter
At my own behest
A comedy of errors
Until the curtain fell
Nothing was every as I like it
Alas, I hated him well

Apologies to

0 2

It's time to thrill and chill us in either verse or flash fiction (no more than 300/50 words!). Hope this image inspires you to join in with some writing!

8 9

When you finally open the door to see,
All who has desired you waiting patiently.


2 14

Join us every Saturday for the sensual side of life! Using this image and the five senses, write us something sumptuous and warm us this

10 16

Like worms
Hidden from the
Light of truth
Blindly digging
Through the dirt
They're nothing more
Than bait

February 21st, 2020

Share. Retweet. Don't get hooked.

17 43

one unbroken note
becomes a melody of dreams
perfection in its pitch
a harmony of lovers it seems
caressed by its tone
in unison we bind
passionate composition
the rhythm of lovers entwined


2 7