Long time no PL fanart!! Anton and Sophia but in 1870's fashion (since I headcanon them to have met around the 1860's/70's)

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This is Frederic Edwin Church's amazing 1861 painting, Our Banner in the Sky!!!! I love this painting and wrote about it on my undergraduate dissertation on the iconography of art during the American Civil War!!!

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Three Nineteenth Century and Their Beauty Secrets - Three nineteenth century royal beauties served as the glamorous ideal for women in the These three beauties were the Empress Eugénie ... https://t.co/1B71BYEU7D

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Justice John Byles: Some of His Interesting Court Cases - Justice studied law in Britain in the 1820s and 30s and became a member of the Inner Temple, a professional body that provides legal ... https://t.co/spgA2NNtK0

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Justice John Byles: Some of His Interesting Court Cases - Justice studied law in Britain in the 1820s and 30s and became a member of the Inner Temple, a professional body that provides legal training, ... https://t.co/ihv02fbfvS

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Ether: Early Anesthesia and Its First Uses - By the late 1830s, public gatherings referred to as “ether frolics” were being held by wandering lecturers. These gatherings involved audience members inhaling diethyl ... https://t.co/XlS2ndWPTr

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Hero or madman? 1831 - in War of Independence from the a Dutch naval officer, Jan van Speijk, became a national hero by a blowing up the gunboat & crew which he commanded. Click: https://t.co/8OrkIzQz3N History

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Canada Bill: William Jones Confidence Artist - Chances are you even if you’ve heard of Wild Bill Hickok or Buffalo Bill, you haven’t heard of He wasn’t famous like either of those ... https://t.co/h1Psd6YnNb

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Canada Bill: Confidence Artist - Chances are you even if you’ve heard of Wild Bill Hickok or Buffalo Bill, you haven’t heard of Canada Bill. He wasn’t famous like either of those Bills ... https://t.co/mKVrNGJDbl

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Tarring and Feathering Attacks in America - Although the phrase appears to have originated just prior to the American Revolution, the practice was much older having first happened in Europe. One of the ... https://t.co/26GA1C7qZh

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This is John Calcott Horsley's amazing 1839 painting, The Pride Of the Village!!

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