スターフォースっぽいneutronを$2で購入。 でやってみた。おお〜なかなかに滑らかな動き。背景スクロールの頑張っている。ボスもちゃんと登場。BGMが良い!本体のスティックがな〜

0 1

Well - just in case you’re struggling to get anywhere with Tenebra Macabre, here are a few POKES ‘n’ CODES for you, taken from issue 28 of FREEZE64...

1 6

Desert Fox (1985)

Published by US Gold
Developed by Sydney Development

11 33


暖かサンズ✨(*´ `*)

14 82

Chase HQ (1990)

Published by Ocean/Taito
Developed by D.C. Ward

12 39

*SPOILER ALERT* one final sweep of FREEZE64 issue 24 B&W proof before sending the full-colour hires version to print.
BIG 👍 to


3 10