
200 449

Thank you for supporting us & 🙏🏻
Such tyranny governed by should be terminated & must be reformed ASAP

1 7

Thank you NCM Yue for sanction this triad’s head 🙆‍♂️
We were glad to hear about this great news 👍🏻

1 7


9 17

過去半年 感謝林鄭團結香港人 令香港精神進一步昇華 令黑白更分明💛
五大訴求 缺一不可!香港人反抗!

119 207

It is a story about Hong Kong teenagers!
🙏🏻Translation Credit

If you would like to help to translate in other languages, please feel free to DM me!! ;)

20 20


🖤FB: 港妹。生活

140 256

Why the Students want to stay at PolyU? Because they want to save Hong Kong! They don't want to lose their home! Please us to spread out and let others know the tragedy happening in Hong Kong!

416 387

❗️❗️❗️ 今晚10點Twitter 戰線總攻,希望各位手足可以follow我,過左300文宣威力好似會勁啲!我地互fol!今晚10點一齊加油!twitter 見!香港人報仇!#手足互科

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