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Yoga-Wan and the Mountain Pose・ヨガわんと山のポーズ
"Stay still like the mountain..."

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Happy International Women's Day...

A Celebration of Your Beauty, Strength, Brilliance, Wide-open Heart. 💃✨♥️🙌🎉✨

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Your happiness depends much more on your attitude than it does on objective, external circumstances. Kim discusses this and more today on https://t.co/CYkOOu3c7o

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Happy people realize happiness is a choice. But simply knowing that happiness is a choice is not enough. How then might each of us begin to experience this joy? https://t.co/CYkOOu3c7o

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Every time I see this girl while I am walking on the weekends I think: no excuses man. Thank you for encouraging me unknown girl.

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- My Favorite Handwritten Recipes I Love, personal way to collect your favorite recipes. Could become a family heirloom in time. Visit now


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