I really feel an opportunity might have been missed while working from home now! How fancy!!

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WIP - New home office computer desk with room for lots of VR and AR

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40/100 - Saturday homeoffice 🤓 Do you often work on Saturdays?

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Mixamo really is a cool tool if one is not so experienced at charcter rigging like I am. It did the rigging very well for me and I can now pose the stagman around like I want to. I won't be able to try to print him soon as I need the workspace for homeoffice atm, but for now:

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Neben all den schlechten Nachrichten mit Messeabsagen und Existenzängsten durch die Coronakrise haben wir ne tolle Neuigkeit: Tadda! Unsere kleine Matilda hat am 21.04. das Licht der Welt erblickt und versüßt uns seitdem unser Homeoffice.

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I'm about to finish the color work. I have to start my journey now. I'll be at it again this evening. it should be up soon ^-^)/.

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🤖 Não é uma competição, vai com calma! 💨
Quando começou a quarentena pensei logo q seria mega produtivo, q eu faria um montão de coisas, bem não foi bem do jeito q eu queria...

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„Corona, Kinder und Lockerungen:
Mehr Bewegung, mehr Betreuung“

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