Mit dem Baby im Homeoffice habe ich zwischendurch immer mal Zeit einen Manga zu lesen! von Kaze ist bei mir ganz weit vorne gerade. von Tokyopop und von Altraverse habe ich auch gerade soweit durch. Was lest ihr so?

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Here's the caricature by of our recent contest winner ! TX again to those that participated, we hope it brightened your days. MIE loves our and we appreciate all the work you do for your clients &

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I really feel an opportunity might have been missed while working from home now! How fancy!!

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WIP - New home office computer desk with room for lots of VR and AR

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40/100 - Saturday homeoffice 🤓 Do you often work on Saturdays?

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Mixamo really is a cool tool if one is not so experienced at charcter rigging like I am. It did the rigging very well for me and I can now pose the stagman around like I want to. I won't be able to try to print him soon as I need the workspace for homeoffice atm, but for now:

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Neben all den schlechten Nachrichten mit Messeabsagen und Existenzängsten durch die Coronakrise haben wir ne tolle Neuigkeit: Tadda! Unsere kleine Matilda hat am 21.04. das Licht der Welt erblickt und versüßt uns seitdem unser Homeoffice.

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I'm about to finish the color work. I have to start my journey now. I'll be at it again this evening. it should be up soon ^-^)/.

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