Are you ready for Jan 6 Committee Primetime? This week's cartoon drawn for the newsletter.

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How can this be a nation with a Bill of Rights, which promises “no person shall be … deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law”

While our government continues to hold

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The Select Committee Investigating January 6th seems to be causing some angst.

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Independents are the majority U.S. party then Democrats. are a shrinking minority—how does big media manipulate the truth?

Busting Out of the Media Bubble of Delusion

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The GOP’s lesson from the Jan 6 insurrection seems to be: so long as the bully is on your side, look the other way. Not a great way to run a country.

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Viserys had believed that the realm would rise for its rightful king … but Viserys had been a fool, and fools believe in foolish things.

-Daenerys II, A Clash Of Kings


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Sean Hannity is NOT a journalist or a reliable source of information in any shape or form. He's a POS brownnosing propagandist gaslighter. Subpoena him.

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