ようこそ to my of the day! Today features 間, interval or space!

As you can see from the examples, this is more of a conceptual kanji; the idea is the sun showing through a partially open gate.

にゃりがとう for stopping by! I appreciate it. ^_^

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the best example I could give is this (SNK SPOILERS)
reiner used 猿 (saru) which means monkey
eren doesn’t know what a monkey is so he repeated it as さる (saru) basically he couldn’t use the kanji version bc he doesn’t know what it means
kanjis give unique meaning to words

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ようこそ! Today's features 古, old!

This kanji originally meant something like "sturdy", and was represented by a depiction of a shield. It still carries hints of that in compounds like 古典, classic.

にゃりがとう for stopping by!

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ようこそ! Today's features 新, new!

Fun fact, this kanji originally meant chopping firewood - you can even see the traces in the the components 立 stand, 木 tree, and 斤 axe.

Language shifts sure are interesting!

Thanks for coming! またにゃ!

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ようこそ! Today's is 今, now!

As in, "I am now studying kanji", 今はかんじをべんきょうしています。

One of the best ways to remember kanji is to make up sentences with it, so try your own!

にゃりがとう! またにゃ!

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ようこそ! My for today features the last of the four seasons, 冬, winter!

Winter is often considered the "end" of the year, and so that's what this kanji originally meant - end.

It's not the end of my kanji studies though! ^_^


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ようこそ! Apologies for the delay, internet is back up and running now.

My today is 秋, fall!

I like how this kanji evokes both trees and fire - since autumn leaves turn red, orange, and yellow. ^_^


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ようこそ! My thankfully not delayed today is 夏, summer!

Incidentally, I was born in the summer, so that's why I tend to have such a sunny disposition. ^_^

Thanks for stopping by, and please feel free to share this with your friends!

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ようこそ! Today's is 春, spring!

The etymology of this kanji is really interesting - it's represented by sprouting vegetation plus the sun. Very fitting for spring. ^_^


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ようこそ! My for today features 週, week!

I didn't have the space to put 今週 (this week) and 先週 (last week) in the PNG, but knowing the 先(last) 今(this) 来(next) pattern is really useful. ^_^


先月 - last month
来年 - next year

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ようこそ! My for the day is 分, part/minute/understand!

This is a really all-purpose kanji - you use it to measure parts of things including minutes (parts of an hour), but it's also used to indicate understanding something!


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ようこそ! Today's is 夜, night!

Fun fact I learned - this originally referred more to "evening", but it's since become used for nighttime as well. Thus 夜食 is "late meal" rather than supper.

にゃりがとう! またにゃ!

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ようこそ! Today's is 昼, daytime/noon!

So you'll often hear 昼ごはん to refer to lunch in anime. I picked 昼食 because it's more formal - i.e., better to use with people you don't know well.

にゃりがとう! またにゃ!

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ようこそ! My today features 朝, morning!

The original concept for this kanji is the sun rising through vegetation while the moon is still visible. I found that to be pretty interesting when I learned it.

Thanks for stopping by, またにゃ!

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ようこそ! I'm resuming my daily kanjistudy, and today features 曜, day of the week.

Many times this is translated "weekday", and it covers all the days of the week:

日曜 (Su)
月曜 (M)
火曜 (Tu)
水曜 (W)
木曜 (Th)
金曜 (F)
土曜 (Sa)

にゃりがとう! またにゃ!

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Apologies for the delay. Here's my for today: 時, time.

This kanji is probably the first where I recognized the meaning of the individual components and how they contribute. 日 (sun), 土 (ground), 寸 (measure) form a sundial.

にゃりがとう. ^_^

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ようこそ to my Today features 心, heart!

Even though it doesn't look like it now, this kanji was originally drawn as an actual heart once upon a time.. ^_^


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ようこそ! Today's features 首, neck!

This kanji has actually diverged a bit from the original meaning. It was originally a side view of a head - hair on the top and the eye in the middle of the face. Very neat. ^_^


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ようこそ! Today's is on 顔, face!

Apparently part of this kanji originally referred to the forehead, which is why it and 頭 share a component.

にゃりがとう! じゃまた!

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Today I'm featuring 頭, head, in my

This kanji is also used as a counter for large animals! Think like "heads" of cattle. I thought that was really interesting when I learned it.

にゃりがとう! I hope you're enjoying these. ^_^

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