I bought 2 games during Christmas and told myself I wasn't gonna buy any more.

Then I bought Total War: Rome 2 because I'm reading the Warrior of Rome series and I was in the zone for it.

why am I so weak?!

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7 22

played Rome total war on my time off then made this little guy! his name is steve!

2 2

Cathay's floating mountain cities are re-used from Lumineth (Kungfu Harmony Elves)

Both draw from Chinese landscapes that feel like mountains in the clouds, and real misty mountains like that such as ZhangZiajie

1 5

The concept art for Great Cathay looks wicked sick. Finally something new in Warhammer Fantasy. I love the complete 180 degrees change in the tone and style for this nation, it's like a much needed breath of fresh air for me.

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임릭과 묘영
Imrik and Miao Ying

316 2112

여성 검투사들
female gladiators

661 5181

로마의 여성들
girls of rome

1187 7434