A book of secrets
Lying dormant
A powerful spell
Casting us away
Rushing us towards
An unknown fate
Filled with allure
And magical dreams

A storyteller's touch
Drawing us in
Conjuring up a world
Of endless thrill
Unveiling an
That will never end

1 18

Today awaits
Emerge and behold
The sun at your back
Your story will unfold

But if behind
You decide to stay
Waiting for an invite
You’ll miss the day

Don’t miss your day!

2 10

are my new
Some say it's early dementia
Please don't rant and rave
take it up with Gabe
before he sails into absentia


6 69

My heart is heavy
My spirit low
I’m struggling to find my way
I have faith and I will grow
And I’ll be okay
Some day


1 0

Sage Advice©️

Momma used to say never be too
to judge a book by its cover.
She’d say, read its contents in
and choose wisely like a fine
scarf—its weave is light & transparent.


1 10

Uncharted territory
An endless space
The untold stories
I have yet to face

What's my
Not to write?
This voice inside
That whispers "not tonight"

If I don't try
The stories I won't tell
The pages won't turn
The tales won't swell

No more excuses!
It's time to write.

0 3

Bop fusion trumpet muted
Scratched out in harmony
of human tones
baby cries cut through any din

Our eyes circle cicada
tunes,blown throughly to bleed
Odins bookmarked poetry

Norse angels heavenly dance
in gyrate corrupt motions

2 30

Long locks shorn
She rose again
Beauty from ashes
She was reborn
Empowered by love
Never would she bend
Nor give in
Fire flows thru her veins
For eternity she remains


4 15

Emily was a of buzz words like
Emptying a safe was an act of empowerment, keeping the dough, practicality.
So she didn't appreciate it when Powerboy stepped in to save the day.
Blasting him to hell was required

4 43

Under taciturn sky
facing broken-easled horizon
brink of evening rain

My mind is a tangle
of incomplete tangent thoughts
Don't mistake my distant gaze
for misplaced disconnection

I am bereft

A cherished flower
needing to release her petals
my color fading into potpouri

14 67

our pace quickened, and the world blurred. My pack. Muscles twitched. Animalic warmth surrounded us. Our family. We spilled into the clearing, moon bright as sun. We, the beasts, growled like the wind sighs into the night. 

9 72

My anticipation grew when, coming out of the nebulous incongruities of this gas giant, I saw the first signs of the citadel built in the clouds, as real as it can be.
I had arrived at my final destination.

10 42

She brushed her briny hair with a whalebone comb. Any to linger on the rocks with the barnacles and sea anemones. The insatiable tide drank her in, gulping her legs, leaving salty trails down her limbs between swallows.

12 75

Foxing leaks between ancient pages
Is this é shade of immortality
Writers plagued by logolepsy
nd yet prescribed a less-is-more medication
Am I at fault to drown this obsession in
These words in poetry that longs
like stories of old
to live forever

8 47

If I wander to death’s hold
tug gently, like a child
will she notice me

Or must I stand
atop a gravestone
& yell my plea

Will it take reasoning
or even pity for her to
end this insanity

Perhaps she will
Certainly someday
I will know, maybe

…as soon as today

17 106

I don't blame you
It's on me

But sweetheart

A careless
Tames a wounded soul

22 92

He laughed with his whole body, tiny knees knocking into her back. Chubby fingers twirled in her hair with gentle tugs. His smoothed her sharp edges like a piece of glass returned from the sea.

15 88

Through sage and smoke
the ancestor's
is but a pulse
a dawning upon obscurity:
I am here
I have always been here.

3 29

Twilight comes
like spring showers
Quick & welcomed
soothing the heart
Hexes & rain flow
like strawberry wine
She kisses the
silken sky
teasing the night

Shadow stitch
an abysmal stain
across the Milky Way
As novas vanish
beneath her

My Slavic witch


24 119

She hears
Terpsichorean whispers
As if in a trance
She dances the Muse’s dance
Her perception of reality
Lies in mythic choreography

Image: Victoria Ballet

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