During our meeting, the faculty briefly discussed speculative evolution & mentioned the speculative evolutionary routes that and other animals would have underwent as seen in the illustrations by Dougal Dixon.

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It's a surprise treat! Introducing Rextooth Shorts, snapshots from the Rextooth Universe! https://t.co/ozvln8XqaZ Our first story, NIOBRARA, a glimpse at America's prehistoric heartland, is live now!

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Some 2016 of Stenonychosaurus investigating a beached Tusoteuthis for This image is looking a little old now, but it's not without charm.

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Looking back on some of my old this and reminding myself that while I have a lot to learn in the fundamentals department, my iridescence game is not to be trifled with 😈🦚🖍️ Can't wait to get that Caihong fully rendered

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Inner ear morphology of diadectomorphs and seymouriamorphs revealed with micro-CT - implications for origin of amniote crown group https://t.co/5FfbvuKYmV

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Face of Stw 53 (blue), an early hominin from Sterkfontein, compared with Australopithecus africanus

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Tracking at Fairlight near yesterday afternoon.

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Some happy news: my Doggerland walrus has snuck into LTTAII (we had some blank pages that needed content). The challenge now is to explain this complex scene, and why it's in the book, in a caption no longer than this tweet.

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Schematic reconstruction of the components of an ovuliferous glossopterid loose strobilus based on shoots with attached Lidgettonia fertiligers presented by Prevec & Matiwane (2018).

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Coming at ya this arvo in the Quaternary extinctions symposium at Terrestrial crocs, giant venomous goannas, and big-biting marsupial lions.

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fourth is KNM-ER 17400. This is a skull, eroded on the front, that has been attributed to Paranthropus boisei. The individual lived around 1.8 million years ago. At around 390 ml, its brain is one of the smallest in the hominin fossil record.

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Earliest were different from modern, huge bone-crackers like Crocuta. Protictitherium, from the Miocene of Batallones, was no larger than a jackal and had a varied diet including carrion. From fossils to sketches to full reconstruction

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Two weeks ago on and I visited the famous Quarry 1 in the OK panhandle, first excavated by J. W. Stovall in 1935. It produced not only a massive Apatosaurus skeleton, but also parts of four Apatosaurus babies and the huge theropod Saurophaganax!

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Today's focus is the La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles, one of the richest fossil sites in the entire world. More than 3.5m specimens from over 600 species have been found here! 😮 So, why did so many animals meet their demise at & what can we learn from them?

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Well, it looks like this poor Cryodrakon is living (or dying) up to its name; it was downed during a storm and eventually succumbed to the cold, as it tried to shelter in the gully of a frozen river.

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Yutyrannus huali is an early relative of T. rex known from fossils which preserve impressions of feathers covering most of its body. This is another of the dinosaur recons I have recently licensed to a museum in The Netherlands

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Palaeontologists showing our solidarity at the Portsmouth on 🌍

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For my first post on this the fantastic appendages of Anomalocaris magnabasis! Unlike Anomalocaris canandensis, A. magnabasis had a bunch of thin “spinules” projecting from the front side of each spine, used to help snare soft prey.

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Hypacrosaurus pair from the Two Medicine Formation of Montana in the gallery at the National Museum in Tokyo, Japan.

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the oldest Machimosaurini marine crocodile. Very aboundant in the Late Jurassic of Europe, we have found this fossil in Moroccan early Bathonian deposits (ca. 168Mya). This is the oldest blunt-toothed marine crocodile.

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