The universe is full of diversity but most of all beauty... like this being from Vega in the Lyran constellation.

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Asasiel is a powerful Lyran lightbeing who serves as Ashtar's avatar in the upcoming SKY GODZ graphic novel ASHTAR: Return to Venus.

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Making-of the Amon-Ra character art. Left the pencil sketch and to the right the finished colored version.

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Amex Nimeon is an ambassador aquatic alien being from the Sirius system. They had a great influence on earth as seen in Egyptian mythology.

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ANKUR is a brilliant new indie sci/fantasy tabletop RPG. ANKUR's newest expansion: Land of the first people, the Mundwazi sourcebook is now available

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Am alien race came to earth during an imminent universal war to become the gods of ancient times. SKY GODZ, the animated series is their story...

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Indigo children are highly talented, psychic and supernatural beings, incarnated for the purpose of guiding humans through the Kali Yuga.#indigo

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The Nordic Tall Whites from Aldebaran that have been reported in the underground bases of Antarctica...the inner earth.

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Making-of an aquatic Sirian character art. Left the pencil sketch and to the right the finished colored version.

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The Zeta Greys are one of the most "popular" and reconizable races in the universe and appear in SKY GODZ.

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