Anyone notice how most 90’s games always had a wolf warrior dude lol they even have similar armor XD

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Hiromi Tengenji

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Shining Force 2 commission we just finished up. Loved that series on the Sega Genesis. Colored with Copic and Prisma markers. 古えの封印

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is running a competition for children to write a story in under 50 words, open to all children aged 3-9. The winning story will be printed in the magazine.…/storytime_50_Word_comp.…
Good luck to all the kids who take part!

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【告知・宣伝】9月21日発売のTCGForce of Will「新生ヴァルハラクラスタ」にて「知識の宝庫アトランティス」「カカシの案内役」「混沌の魔石」「太陽の戦士」描かせて頂きました。どうぞよろしくお願いだみー!(←ミミー語) 

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IZMOJUKI Blog: SGH THUNDER FORCE III & IV 出雲重機がリデザインを担当しました。サンダーフォースIII&IVの自機がFREEingより商品化。現在予約受付中です!

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Hiromi Tengenji new style animation

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Studying how to apply Force shape to human poses

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Why this crossover?
Both have motorcycles xD
The crossover sounded silly, but graphically I wanted it to look pretty good, it was difficult, but I got it yey!!

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Gesture drawing with an emphasis on showing the leading edge.

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Sketching the drama of a pose by learning the function of the body with lines of force and finding the leading edge.

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Working out the Leading Edge to understand a poses dynamic structure

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