The english version of Torreoscura is now available as a .cas image file for MSX emulators (it should also work with a real tape in the real machine, but I just can't test that 😁)

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Metal Gear Original MSX2 Vinyl is up for pre-order on Amazon: $27.98

"features all new original artwork by Paul Mann that pays tribute to the 80's action films that inspired the game"

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Who in their right mind would enjoy this type of difficulty? Do they dress their MSX in leather first?

This is a waste of my time. Not for me, NO! Pile, but I'll come back and try easy mode eventually.

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See, can't stay awake. It's not on MSX. I just go through these spells where I sleep a ton. Usually I barely sleep at all to the point that it freaks people out.

So back to Aleste 2, and I can't figure out how to get the DSK files to run properly (I click it and nothing happens)

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バカラで4人と対決してクレジットを溜めるカードゲーム。9に近い数の他に特定カードで役が付く。制覇は運任せである。CGには植物も描かれるけど屋外なのかw 4枚のCG全部買ったのでクリア扱い。

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An very kind soul commissioned this piece of art for me. The SD style is so cool, it reminds me a bit of SD Snatcher on MSX!
From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much.
I am much in their debt.

10 49

Ninja-Kid II
Año: 1987
Plataformas: MSX, NES, Arcade, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch

0 10

Okay goddamnit, so I was using MSX2 when MSX2+ is an option. Nobody even clued me in on this.

IT runs a LOT faster, so um...........

Talk amongst yourselves while I replay all the stuff I already did.

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So I'm going to make a list of stuff to return to once I have English builds, assuming they exist. I know the MSX community is really dedicated so I assume translations exist. I'm just using standard ROM sets here, fellas.

This game, Animal Land from Enix, looks.. like LSD does.

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This is known as Power Strike on other systems. This is the first MSX game that has a bit of hype coming with it.

1 3

I have to do the doctor stuff today, all the way in San Francisco. But, I expect to knock out a lot of games this afternoon. Holy crap, there's Back to the Future for MSX?



I've been waiting for this marathon for a while and damnit, I'm done waiting.

Now wait🤪

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Wing Warriorsの新バージョン(一部改良)です。

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更新:MSXのDIN 8ピンRGB出力をRGB 15ピンに変換するアダプタ

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今回の2強 その2:

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