OK, so, if all goes well & I don't find unexpected issues on the new version, I will drop "Over the hills..." on Saturday (cc ). Here 2 more variations - there will be more.

9 38


Title: But it ain't going to ruin it for a moment?
14 by 10 inches, 2021
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

3 14

A compilation of the best recent algorithm results for portfolio day! All of these were written in Clojure, and two of these algorithms are up on fxhash :)

3 10

👋 Hi, I'm Andrew and I make abstract generative art. Most of it on-chain

22 48


Title: But I was prepared to.
14 by 10 inches, 2021
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

3 6

Working on the code, and still thinking about the name...

14 79


Title: Will doesn't have a show!
14 by 10 inches, 2021
Generated with Python, plotted with Axidraw

3 5

Have I mentioned that this thing is fun to play with? 🚀

50 505