Had a first pass at my mawkrusha base! Another layer of snow to go to fill in a few bits and give more volume. Once fatty is in place I'll do some more ork on the rock so it doesn't look so stark 😁

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I finished painting this fine chap on stream and finally got a decent picture! One of Garrek's Reavers!


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I kitbashed Skulltaker and a regular Herold to accompany my existing bigger daemon heroes. Enough for some funny 1250 point lists

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Warhammer Wuppertal comes back to HEAT3 in June 2019 - 4 tickets already ordered :D who else is takes part then?

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A few quick notes on the AoS content in the January 2018 White Dwarf if you are considering whether to pick one up :)

4 23

Been ever so slightly more “productive” today, finished up the second Sequitor and my first spell. Just need to keep up the momentum for the rest of 2019 to finally complete an army 😂

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Hey all, I jotted down some notes through 's interview on Warhammer TV this evening. A few more tidbits on the Gloomspite Gitz and their development.


10 40

Wife and son went to bed so for the first time in years, I've had a solo NYE! Getting stuck back into Had fun doing some building as wasn't in a painty mood 😁 still need some tidying and greenstuff

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Just to make a clean cut for the new year, here are the remaining and friends I painted for my Ogor army in November

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Last Wuppertal club night in a fantastic 2018, most intense hobby year ever, thanks to

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Thanks to initiative roll in round 5, Darkling Covens and Ironjawz manage to steal away the victory from Sacrosanct Chamber and Beast of Chaos, despite of being tabled! Incredible close game 🙈

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Uploading some stuff i never got a chance to. I was really inspired by Age of Sigmar- Soul Wars release, thought I might study one of the minis.

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These new flesh hounds are going to make some sweet razordon conversions.

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Who recognized the first announcement of Kharadron Overlords 9 years ago? Perfect Khemist for the Bearded Buccaneers 🏴‍☠️

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