here in like 30-45 minutes ya boy gonna stream some smash,but this time,i got internet for my switch so maybe i might play against some viewers ;)

0 18

A boy, a bear, and a bird all finally got in Smash, HUGE congratulations for them!

Thank you so much , , and a thank you to Nintendo too!!

22 85

With B&K in smash, I am FULLY satisfied with the roster. I was already happy with it, but I've reached maximum satisfaction. The only other characters Id want for myself are Rayman and Wright, but aside from that, now I'm just hoping all my homies out there get what they want.

0 7

If anyone ever asked me which Undertale character DESERVED to be in Smash, then I'll show them this image right here.

2 28

Idk how to feel about them Dragon quest (or what levee they're called) bois being in smash, but thumbs up I guess?

0 12

Story time, back in 2016 I was given an assignment to make greeting cards for class, I made a valentines day card as one of them. In celebration of out beloved Bear and Bird duo being added to smash, I present you my Banjo Kazooie greeting card.

69 346

You know I forgot I had this but in celebration for Banjo getting in smash, have this old piece.

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So this year was pretty average, that was until Nintendo Announced that Banjo Would be in Smash, now im not a big smash fan, BUT, what this implies is that Nintendo can bring them back. Now if you exuse me i must away to my local EB to get em a switch. *BANJO INTENSIFIES**

1 5

I'm so glad my son and daughter Banjo & Kazooie got into Smash, it's been a long time coming.... GUH-HUH!!

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Now that Banjo and Kazooie are in smash, we can finally put the unholy Nuts and Bolts render to rest.

13 41

E3 Doodle - Roto/Erdrick

Welcome to Smash, Hero!

285 2218


0 18

As much as I want Banjo or Crash in Smash, My top pick that I'm begging for is him. Also I love your artwork here

0 6

Their are two bears, one is not in smash, the other is not in smash, you are not in smash

44 266

you can only have one in smash, but the other three will try to kill you for the rest of your life

choose wisely

91 1265

Coucou ! Je me présente, Smash, illustratrice principalement dans le thème animal ! Je vais commencer ma propre BD d'ici quelques temps (et j'ai trop hâte !)

Je touche un peu à tout mais je fais principalement du digital ! :D Heureuse de pouvoir partager un peu mon univers ! ^^

0 13

Coucou ! Moi c'est Smash, je fais de l'illustration (et bientôt de la BD) ! Je suis spécialisée dans les animaux, c'est ma passion ! :D

Si tu veux voir d'autres artistes je te conseils et <3

1 6

Happy birthday to Sean of ! Thank you for letting be a part of one of the coolest projects I’ve ever been a part of, HERO SMASH, and have a fantastic DAY!

7 18

I will always love Persona 5 for the amazing times it’s given me, still be best gaming experience of my life, my main in Smash, and something I look forward to in upcoming games. Also, the art with the cat, love it still, will always be my fallback on profile picture.

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