画質 高画質

Cara Vanda ti ringrazio. La sintonia del nostro gruppo non sarà l’antidoto,ma è sicuramente un balsamo che aiuta e ci dà conforto e sollievo.Un abbraccio, ti voglio bene Vanda! Serenità

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"Non spetta a noi ridurre lo spread" frase infelice uscita dalla bocca di Christine sul ruolo della che ieri ha fatto crollare le borse europee

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Come lavarsi le mani! We translated our hand-washing sketchnote into Italian. Give us a shout if you have any other linguistic suggestions.

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my favorite thing about humans is our ability to find humour in hardship. If you haven't seen all the comedy gold fueled by the madness, you are missing out 😄 https://t.co/jK1rvdN7IK

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Abans del ja regalàvem un llibre per la compra de dos o més: ració extra de lectura.

No ens deixeu aquests dies, siusplau. La cultura fa anys que està confinada i poc atesa.

Entreu a https://t.co/cYcGXWffxe.

Cuidem-nos. 😘

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Thank you for this! I got my jobs canceled due to Covid19 here in Italy. It looks like Silent Hill where I live..
Here's some of my work. I'm free for commissions also.

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We can't change what we can't control. In a time of unprecedented uncertainty all we CAN do is take care of each other.

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Disaster! ALL Surgical Masks sold & NOTHING left for me!
Don't Panic, sew washable masks yourself! Such masks are sold only $1/piece in
See the dimensions & modify if needed. Design the layers, use flowers or Mickey Fabric? Looks good on you too!

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I cani e i gatti non possono contrarre nè trasmettere il Covid19. Smettetela di abbandonarli con questa scusante della paura.

RT are appreciate <3

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I have been working with some friends on a big project, sadly is not a TG project, but I have invest my heart on this project since a long time ago...
I hope everyone is doing well with COVID19, hard times may be coming :(
Here is a small color panel I did.
Stay safe !

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ใครจะออกไปที่คนเยอะๆ จะจัดงาน จัดประชุม หรือไปสังสรรค์ ลั้นลา ก็ดูแลตัวเองสักนิด
อยากเข้าบ้าน ก็คิดถึง
คนรอบข้างที่ห่วงใย และ สุขภาพคุณหมอ พยาบาล เจ้าหน้าที่ด้วยครับ
ไม่งั้นเฟส 3 อาจมาไวขึ้น
โดยไม่ต้อง ให้ ทำนายกัน

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Quick tips from Knight cookie to help you stay healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic

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Wear a mask and wash hands to protect yourself.
-drawing done!

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