At first I was planning to draw an entropy-ish fanart but I was like nah Im just gonna wait until the next teaser or trailer comes out and draw it, so I decided tp draw 190801 psj instead🐻🐻


51 119

"Evening of Entropy" - A view of Nessus

Not entirely happy with this one but it's good to always put stuff down then come back to them when the mood strikes.

8 137

or try original chicken fries only at burger king!

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(neg)entropy! 👆

13 43

Haven’t drawn in months but day6 finally gave me the inspiration again 😤

Also, I want to make tote bags for this design, but it’s not cheap?? Like $12 just to manufacture. Any suggestions?

14 29

Feedback loops, tinting natural light towards waves of specific color, Perlin noise influencing pixel displacement + viola da gamba music as a source of entropy in this system.

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💕✨Hello! My name is Entropy (or Murphy!) and I'm a full time Illustrator. My commissions are currently closed + limited through the end of the year! Feel free to DM for questions, quotes, or anything else you might like to know about my art. Trades are closed.✨💕

1 15

Daily - Day 10-08-19
"Trust takes years to build, seconds to break, and forever to repair."
I think we can replace “trust” w/ a “society” or a “city”.
Granted nothing escapes but we shall not despair and give in to destruction.

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