Thinking today about poet & painter Elizabeth Siddal who died 1862. Grateful for these images (made by her husband Rossetti) of Siddal at work.
Esp thankful to scholars who have helped us see beyond the myths inc

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“Voglio essere una sgualdrina,ma non certo una volgare prostituta”

Mentre Else cammina,nuda sotto il mantello,conosce il segreto che gli altri ignorano e sente la sua nudità,nascosta,come una sensazione quasi piacevole.

Rossetti,Lucrezia Borgia

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, hey there. This is and in addition to this account I also run the account for Dante Gabriel Rossetti . Check it out

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James Collinson died in 1881
1 of the original 7 PRB members, he was attracted to the devotional & high church aspects of Pre-Raphaelitism
One time fiancé of Christina Rossetti, he resigned from the Brotherhood after the scandal over Millais's Christ in House of His Parents

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Edgar Allan Poe was born in 1809. This drawing is an illustration by Dante Gabriel Rossetti for Edgar Allan Poe's poem 'The Raven'
The Raven - Angel Footfalls, 1847.

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Just a few of the treats at the marvellous show . My camera died so repros will have to do but were some of my faves. What a luxury to see these works close up. On till March in Bedford - go see it!

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The Damsel Of The Sanct Grael by Dante Gabriel Rossetti, oil on canvas 1874.

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Dante Gabriel Rossetti Jelly Belly Tins

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Good morning. A sketchbook spread drawn while watching TV: ideas for new pieces and a sketch of someone that was being interviewed

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“Fair Rosamund”
~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti

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🎨Lady Lilith
🖌Dante Gabriel Rossetti
👀Lilith, según los evangelios apócrifos, fue la primera mujer. Como se negó a ser sumisa ante Adán, fue expulsada del paraíso, dejando hueco para Eva. Es el prototipo de mujer fatal, poderosa y rebelde. Rossetti la representa actualizada.

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Today's festive DVPP poem: Christina Rossetti's "A Hope Carol," illustrated by Frederick Sandys (detail shown), from *Century Guild Hobby Horse*, April 1888.

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Water Willow, Study of Female Head and Shoulders - and the day dream, pastel, chalk by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

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