The of the middle gorgon sister, Euryale! While not as strong as Stheno, her voice is her strength; her wail can turn to stone to sand. Liked the idea of having the ability to either beguile or kill with it.

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Some of Medusa's eldest sister Stheno! Fiercest of the gorgon sisters, I took the idea of gorgons having bronze claws & reinterpreted it as Stheno wearing clawed gauntlets :).

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This is the cover's new cap of our webcomic, me and my GF are so proud of it <3

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The first real interaction between them. Hypnos being a clumsy idiot and ares catching him before he hits the ground~

17 50

& is one of the oldest recorded versions of Beauty & the Beast: Psyche falls in love with an apparent monster who hides his face from her. After many hardships, Psyche is eventually woken from a Stygian slumber by Eros' kiss ...

5 10

In the of and had a golden drawn through the sky by a team of In some she was revered as a and had a chariot drawn by fish-tailed

0 7

In was the god of the He was said to ride a golden which brought the Sun from the to the In some he gave up the chariot after his son died driving it.

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Ares get acquainted with Charon's secretary... Hypnos !
Who is also in charge of coffee, a good excuse for them to talk~

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Do you recognise him armed with his thunderbolts? He is father of gods and humans, son of Cronus and Rhea. One of the most popular characters in with a multitude of legends, which is your favourite?

0 1

In is the sons of He is the of and sends human shapes to the while his brother sends and sends the and inanimate things

9 22

Ares is in this too !
Former military (wounded in the field), Zeus makes his life hard as hell. But a "reason him" visit to Hermes could change things

14 76

Anyone else obsessed with mythology 🤔 this little Aphrodite was inspired by a documentary I watched last year ♥️

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In the were three primordial deities who determined the lives & fortunes of and Their names were Clotho, Lachesis & Atropos In some they were daughters of in others & or even

6 14

Linha evolutiva da deusa dos oceanos digimon ^^
Nessiemon (Rookie) >> Atlanticmon (Champion)
Anfitrimon (Perfect) >> Niemon (Mega)

1 10

Hey, I'm Brailie and I like to draw and tweet dumb shit. I have a Greek mythology au that I'm obsessed with and a bunch of random ocs that I never draw.

Gmoc hashtag:
Discord user: Brailie-box#1875

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