Mobilia-visiitin satoa. Härmän Häjyt -rallitiimin Sunbeam Imp 60-70 -lukujen vaihteesta. / Quick sketch of a Finnish Sunbeam Imp rally car from early 1970’s. Drawn on location, Procreate on iPad Pro.

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Sketchbook pages from this morning's session of Walsall Pleasure Painters. St Michael's Church Hall, Rushall. Yvonne & Rachel, watercolour and pencil. Janet, green fountain pen ink.

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it is said, you don't take a photograph, you make it; applies to sketches more.
quick capture as the wedding shoot was on.

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sunday morning at fort jadhavgadh hotel. resort in a 'gadhi'- fortified structure. ar. rohit sardesai share restoration account. quick scribble of people in frame

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Begonia Amurin Helmen ikkunalla tänä aamuna. / Begonia on a café window sill this morning. Procreate on iPad Pro.

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Nainen kahvilassa. / Woman in a café. Drawn from life, Procreate on iPad Pro.

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Sketches along the South Bank of the Thames, my favourite river:

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