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Still Dec 25th in my timezone so -- Merry Christmas from (ex-)employee Nicole and Shao from branch X-2417!

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FREE Today(Dec 25th)!! Chris, the Tiny-Tailed Tiger: a must-read book based on the author's husband's second grade story written in 1992! https://t.co/kjwTMvCBMW


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The 25th of Evening Star marks the Saturalia or New Life Festival where we celebrate the coming of the new year.

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24th and 25th December born characters, all voiced by Suwabe Junichi.

Happy birthday!

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Happy 25th Bam Day & Merry Christmas to everyone !❤️✨🎊

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I really spent all day drawing that it’s barely the 25th anymore, this but wishing everyone a Merry Christmas !! 🎄☃️✨

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Dec 25th
Merry Christmas!

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Sunbeam "Tuesday, December 25th [1883]. - Christmas morning broke, bright & cheerful over the smooth surface of the broad - more like a summer than a winter's morning. The children were up early..."

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作者 AZ
作品名 25th.

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It’s the 25th over here, sooooo....... Merry Christmas

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This year I joined a HS themed secret santa! And since it's officially the 25th in my timezone I'm finally allowed to share the gift I made for !!!
I really enjoyed making this and I hope you like it! Happy Holidays and A happy new year Arcadia!

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25th December
Happy birthday Quetzalcoalt!

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Preview for my piece for the ! Had so much fun finishing this, go check out everyone elses work!

It comes out on the 25th (thats today)

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It's the 25th here which means I'm gonna share what I made as part of !! I decided to do Travis/Holly for . She can't resist a dumbass. 8)

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It’s finally the 25th!! Finally MikaYuu Secret Santa time!!
I’m the Secret Santa to !! In this universe, Mika was turned human again. Mika and Yuu are apart of a foster program for children found around the ruins of humanity or children of fallen soldiers after [1/4]

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Literally the rest of the year December 25th

Merry crimby

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Vichele Modern AU

Hehe for victor's birthday and for christmas, yes both at 25th des

I always think that victor isn't mute, but bad at talk, so he prefer to use sign language, and helena is legally blind so her vision is very limited

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It's actually 25th for majority of us, so Merry actual Christmas 🎄🎅🔔❄☃️🦌 and Happy Roomie day 😏 ria just reminded me
And I made phone wallpaper vers of yesterdays, go ahead if you all want to use it 😄

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