画質 高画質

Locked to her reflection in forest lake, she hopes to see the woman she once was. This glassy pool in ones eye will only reflect the beast in sight, lest you stare too long and share her face.

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Paintings by American artist Emily Mae Smith, 2010s, known for her pop surrealist works often incorporating an anthropomorphized broom, acting as a stand-in for "women's work" while doubling as a phallic symbol

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The Oracle has spoken 🔮 Illuminate Me 🌞 for ’s ARCANA show

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Las obras de Semenov representan personajes oscuros pero melancólicos. Parecen presos de una tristeza profunda e inquietante. Son obras surrealistas, de pesadilla, que impresionan, fascinan y atemorizan.

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Days 29+30+31: Fossil, Balloon, and Moon 🌝🎈
Last post for 😊 I tried to do something different 😂 ending it with a bang!!

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1_Bill Plympton (love his surrealism and sketchy cartoon style).

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La inspiración de Welz-Stein se encuentra en el surrealismo, los cuentos infantiles y de hadas, el folclore, la Edad Media, el Jugendstil (Art Nouveau alemán) y artistas como Otto Dix, Frida Kahlo, Picasso, Gustav Klimt, Magritte o Boticelli.

Bonito, ¿verdad?

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Anoche compartí hilo sobre la obra surrealista del austriaco Christian Schloe y me comprometí a hacer esta noche uno sobre la pintora alemana Catrin Welz-Stein (Weinheim, 1972).

Ambos tienen en común bellas temáticas de ensueño.

👇🏻Hilo sobre la obra de Catrin Welz-Stein.

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My prof just asked us to watch a surrealism film and i dont understand a single frame of it

Is this art

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