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Here's another comic that I drew for some reason. We're almost at the halfway point and I'm almost out of comics.

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Time to get caught up! Tamberlane returns to the website next week! As always, Patrons get their pages a week ahead of time, for just a dollar a month! https://t.co/Pgq7EqRirs

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Eternal question when you really need an answer now. follow me for more good humor. Visit my website https://t.co/Bf2eld2d8M or https://t.co/tohs8DyuzM

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Clickity Clack. Follow for more of my terrible toons! Special thanks to new Patron Martocodo for sponsoring this strip!!

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I foresee this week containing -1 underwear models because of someone told me to say this

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TFW you chose to live the life of a heal battery

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