Este es el último para el arsia day, me gustó como quedó como sketch. Intenté hacer algo fluff 🤧
Los quiero mucho

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Este es mi primer dibujo para el ArsIA Day de este año. Estoy muy emocionada ajdjah

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This one was meant to be posted for Valentine's Day too but 🤡

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I kinda forgot to post my fanart from a Valentine's Day collab here 👉👈

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This was meant to be done quick for BunBun Day but oops, I took more than I should because I was fooling around with the watercolor pen

It's always a good day to post Bunbun ArsIA I guess

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Don't mind it, it's just some supportive ArsIA, it can't hurt you

9 24

Un dibujo desordenado y con técnica distinta para celebrar el arsia day. pinté en una sola capa por primera vez

11 22

This year I bring a redraw
I'm sorry, IA's dress is red again.. the original was red so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess I will use red for the 245788+ time
Might upload a full body doodle later ( if I can www )

10 19

This was kind of a request, but if it's them, I will gladly do it anyway ❤️
Please please twitter don't ruin the quality 🤞

9 18

I couldn't pick a color..
First ArsIA fanart of the year! Finally

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