I can’t wait to see Sam Wilson as Captain America in the films at some point! 👀

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Ayesha is a fascinating villain I hope we get to see more of. 🌟

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I will always love how Vision was portrayed originally in the comics. The Colors!!! 💛

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Mysterio might not be a good guy, but he definitely had a flair for the dramatic. 🔮

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You gotta admit: Hela just looks *cool*. 💚

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He’s totally invisible, but Drax is snackin’. 🍿

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Scott Lang is the character I turn to to get some wholesome laughs. 🐜

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Okoye, with stunning strength and beauty! ✨

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Spidey, always and forever my favorite. 🕷

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Bruce Banner never asked for this. He just wants to help!! 🥺

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Mantis is ridiculously underrated for how cool of a character she is. 💚

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I live for the rough yet tender personality of Rocket Raccoon. 🦝

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I really hope we get to see a mohawk look from Captain Marvel in the future films. 💫

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Thor, son of Odin, wielder of lightning. ⚡️

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I would do anything to protect baby Groot. 🌱

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An undercover Bucky Barnes who, due to my wanting to draw his arm, is not undercover whatsoever. 🤫

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The most mischievous boy, Loki. 🐍

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T’challa, the Black Panther, a king. 🌟

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Star Lord! He has great music taste. 💫

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The Doctor Strange film is still one of the best theater experiences in recent memory. ✨

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