I had to draw Ace he's so hot I can't with him
also here's the line art and the base colors
took about 10 hours

0 1

Portgas D. Ace
Finally Finished this drawing
had some problems with his Anatomy but I fixed it to a point I felt was good enough
Not one of my best drawings, but I feel good with the results

15 21

Yo cuando el personaje fav mío y el de mi hermano tienen alguna relación (comandante de la segunda división de barba blanca y pues el barba blanca 🌈🦭)

3 16

Drawing n.5 for the One Piece six fanarts challenge (part 2) 🏴‍☠️

Ugh who thaught him to do that thing with his tongue? His uncle? Gross 🙄

17 68

I feel ashamed I’m late to laws birthday but have fire fist law anyways 🤲

76 426

Drawing n.4 for the One Piece six fanarts challenge (part 2) 🏴‍☠️
Slut 🔥🔥🔥 (affectionate)


9 40

เอส เอส เอส พ่อหนุ่มเอสที่หลายคนถามถึง

1 3

Arts de Ace Por todo el mes de Agosto

0 1

remember when they spoke to each other in alabasta 😍💕

7 73