Yeah. I agree. This conversation is very interesting and important thinking through all of the likely scenarios to follow that indictment and prosecution. I think Truml must be prosecuted. Still, to consider he could be acquitted at the end of his treasonous run is a nightmare!

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12 Aug 1777 General Orders issued by Gen Washington approved 50 lashes for a soldier found drunk on duty. Luckily, he was acquitted of allowing a prisoner to escape. 50 lashes were often a death sentence.

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Michael Sussman rightly acquitted and it seems John Durham’s 3 year witch-hunt of the Clintons is coming to a close. It’s now time to investigate Bill Barr and Durham.

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quick tiri to help me get acquitted with csp =w=

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Four years ago, Gerald Stanley was acquitted of the murder of Colten Boushie. We continue to remember Colten and speak against systemic racism.

will be holding a film screening and panel discussion today:

Art by zola_mtl

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Catalan rapper Pablo Hasél has been acquitted! He was accused of glorifying terrorism & insulting the Spanish Crown & state institutions. The judge said his comments may "be hurtful, rude or offensive" but not criminal. “They will never silence us! Death to the fascist state!”🔥

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Lizzie’s report on the day of the murders being inconsistent and tension within the household in the months leading up to the murders didn’t help matters. But in the end, she was acquitted due to the lack of concrete evidence. Up to this day, many believe that she was guilty

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Famously acquitted for the axe murders of her father & stepmother, Lizzie Borden–died 1927–was ostracized by Fall River society despite her acquittal. Her name was again brought into the public eye when she was accused of shoplifting five years after the murders.

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Reanna Tecapul; 5'0"; 22 years old. Reanna is the leader of a social outcast group called the Acquitted. She hates her planet's government and uses this war as a way to change it for the better. It doesn't quite work out like she expects, though.

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On Feb 5, the US Senate acquitted the president on 2 impeachment counts. McConnell held all but one member of the GOP caucus, delivering impunity (if not immunity) to Trump. At the coronation, something was in the air. . .

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The British troops were acquitted by a colonial jury after John Adams argued they had a right to defend themselves and their post from a violent mob.

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They need to point their crooked fingers at themselves! They acquitted Trump; he's the one to blame!

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Paddy (18) let me cut his hair. I acquitted myself well. Total fluke.

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Medical dames here comes legendary Agnodice, credited as 1st female midwife in ancient Athens. Studied and worked as a physician disguised as a man. Acquitted on charges of practising illegally/seducing patients

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Government solicitors at the Peterloo conspiracy trial are said to be concerned that Henry Hunt may be acquitted. One is reported to have said that the judge seems to have formed 'a decisive opinion in favour of the Orator'. Cartoon by Polyp

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I’m sure all of those GOP senators are right: now that he’s been acquitted, Trump will totally act presidential & humble from the experience.

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Brian Alcock: The increasingly autocratic untouchable ruler, Donald Tosspot Trump, will this week be acquitted leaving the orange bell-end free to terrorise the US and the world. - political cartoon gallery in London

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