Damn we closing in on it! Best get my act together! I need moooooar! $FTM BOOM $WOVV

0 3

Just seen the reveal of my latest two Boom! Loving them both, especially the blue-skin babe on the right!

Thanks to for putting so much time into this collection!

75% minted: get yours now for 25 $FTM or 150 $WOVV each.


3 5

LFG! Revealing more Boom! Nothin wrong with that! Some of my favs so far:


0 0

Boom! from launches in next 48 hours!

Mint for 100 $WOVV or 25 $FTM - max 3 per wallet.

Minters of rare 'kaiju' BGs share 100% of the royalties! 👀

WL mint (1 hour early) for PNP/Eldritch/ UltPass holders

No utility, 😂

9 15


What connects these?

Well, how about this: You can now STAKE 's Doggz at https://t.co/mvX7UYSvuj to earn $WOVV.

And 'Babes' is a collection by , that will be exclusively minted using - yep, you guessed it - $WOVV.

Love it!

0 5