Which of the following are true regarding this bone tumor?
A. More common in axial skeleton than appendicular skeleton.
B. Most are asymptomatic and incidental findings in adults.
C. No recurrent genetic alterations.
D. All of the above.

12 35

Muscle and in niloticus

et al

"Archosaurian had an explosive of form and function since the approximately 250 million years ago.,,"


23 63

We so appreciated this !
A phenomenal croc! & it helps us highlight papers such as

Appendicular and in niloticus

By & et al

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0 7

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Appendicular Muscle Physiology & in niloticus by et al


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1 7

Wow! New sauropod paper! The full description of appendicular skeleton! by Otero et al. (2020) =)



28 75