Perfect natural Amethyst Stalactite slices from Artigas, Uruguay.

Photo: AstroGalleryofGems

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También, quería recordarles que hoy a las 18 hs, presentamos la segunda edición de Lo que ya Pasó, el libro que hicimos con para en Libreria Astronauta de Cafe Artigas, Artigas 1850.

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Buenas tardes.

Les quería contar que este viernes 29 de abril a las 18 hs, vamos a estar con en Cafe Artigas (Artigas 1850, CABA) para presentar la segunda edición de nuestra antología de historias LO QUE YA PASO. Nos acompañará moderando la charla .

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the josephoartigasia monesi was believed to be as large as a bull!

28 320

Ok, necesitaba una más o menos guía de las proporciones mínimo faciales de Sebas, estoy intentando aprender a hacer caras distintas

9 13

I can’t see you as anything besides a bat or Guinea pig... so how about the largest known prehistoric rodent, Josephoartigasia?

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It’s been a productive day for creature design!

1. The Khorobi, a shaggy descendant of

2. The Byamdan, a reclusive cousin of

3. The Yakueko, a macropredatory

4. The Xhe’Rhaka, a giant species of

4 44

Artigas con Uruguay /// Charrua con Uruguay

115 642

王将の鉄板まであります。素敵な鉄瓶まで!バルセロナで民芸運動のグループを作った陶芸家アルティガ(Josep Llorens Artigas)は濱田庄司が監修した窯をカタルーニャの村に制作し、その頃多くの日本民芸品がコレクションされ、かの ピカソも大津絵を所持していたようです。


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Flanagan visited the Josep Llorens Artigas Foundation in Gallifa, Spain in 1992. During his residency he worked on a new series of ceramics inspired by the famous potter and his friend and collaborator Joan Miró, who had also worked at Gallifa. Photos of studies by Marti Catala.

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Sebastián Artigas is gay

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Inktober days 25-28
Tasty: Titanis and josephoartigasia
Dark: Omnidens
Coat: Harpymimus
Ride: Lisowicia
Still gonna try and get all the prompts done even though inktober is over.

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Mega evolution: Josephoartigasia monesi

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Idk why i draw this but, José Artigas✨

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Meet the pacarana, a South American rodent. Adults weigh up to 15kg. While that sounds big for a rodent, their extinct cousin josephoartigasia monesi weighed around 900kg, and were the largest rodent known to have ever existed.

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Highlights from the Release of the book is coming near and it seems like it enhances the quality of the pictures.
Enhydriodon, Dendrorhynchoides, Josepheartigasia and Amurosaurus (licking clay).

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PlanH Edición especial homenaje a William Gezzio Q.E.P.D.
Una recopilación de sus aportes a la revista, y su última historieta, mas homenajes que realizamos varios artistas de la revista q lo admirábamos.

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