GM BadDogsCompany!

What goes in hard and dry but comes out soft and wet?



In Discord!

27 49

GM BadDogsCompany!

Why can't you hear rabbits making love? Because they have cotton balls.

Don't be like the rabbits - when you do something, do it with a bang 💥


30 54

heyo! Im a black/white ace lesbian!! My fursona is a kitty named Deci! the art is by my partner @/atlasbeetles and my friend @/badjokesbard !

1 8

animation was done in photoshop
can be used for serious negotiations b( ̄▽ ̄)d

0 4

why is it that all the elements have normal sounding names like elecro, Pyro and then there is the wind one annemo. why not WindO or GustO?

1 6

What washes up on tiny beaches?


2 40

It's pouring down outside - I can't believe it's so wet!

I was defintiely hoping it was going to be dryad day...

0 1

I'm building something big.
Big and small! Because it's multi-scale.
(Oh! that was a bad genart geek joke)

14 184

💧Ya sabes, Lluvia💧

Versión en español jsjs, aún necesito aprender inglés

2 4

💧You Know, Rain💧

A try of a joke :D .. I need to learn jokes in english..

2 3