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The Hedonites of Slaanesh and Blades of Khorne are getting new battletomes – see what both factions are up to during the Era of the Beast. https://t.co/4qUDInHsVS
I am up to 25 pages for my unofficial battletome for the #AdherentsOfHaset (Previously the #Hathorians)! Still a lot more to go, but I'm real pumped about it 😁
#ageofsigmar #WarhammerCommunity #narrativeplay #AnimosityCampaigns #warhammer #fanfic #writing #hobbyprogress
It's a bit long to share here but I have a Table of Contents for my Adherents of Haset battletome I'm making gor my homebrew faction! Check out my IG for more info and the actual post lol im real excited to finally get this going
How are the Lumineth Realm-lords planning on spreading light to the Mortal Realms? Find out as we take a look at the lore from their new battletome. https://t.co/UJmaLQprE9
The new Ogor Mawtribes battletome cover looks amazing. I just love how it pay homage to the 6th edition (first book) Ogre Kingdoms.
#WarhammerCommunity #warhammer #ageofsigmar #newaos #Warmongers
Yes-yes! Preordered my new #Skaven #Battletome and #Warpstone green Skaven dice too! Arise, Children of the #GreatHornedRat! 🐀
#Warhammer #AgeOfSigmar #GamesWorkshop #Chaos #Vermintide #GreySeer #RatOgre #Clanrats #ScreamingBell #Verminlord #CouncilOfThirteen #PlagueMonks
REVIEW: Nighthaunt Battletome - The Lore https://t.co/yXzlGoNXFJ
This should have been the cover for the new sylvaneth battletome. #ageofsigmar #sylvaneth
There are updates for Broken Realms: Be'lakor, Wrath of the Everchosen, and Battletome: Nighthaunt – download the latest FAQs now: https://t.co/pyerqg3n04
Today I have my review of the lore and Path to Glory rules from the new Maggotkin of Nurgle battletome! https://t.co/TwS29WmSno
Part 1 of my review of the new Maggotkin of Nurgle battletome focusing on all of the rules is now live! https://t.co/oz3U6YeO6D
Soulblight Gravelords (Death Battletome, Warhammer Age of Sigmar) #artwork #thomaselliott #illustration
Today's article is an exciting look at what the battletomes hold for Path to Glory, including a glimpse at the 'Heroic Upgrades' system which allows you to swap the warscroll of your heroes as they gain renown! 💪😀 https://t.co/uinPHDMZks #ageofsigmar #AoS
I just think it’s cool that @WarComTeam was nice enough to include illustrations of both me and @pegastyx in the new battletome
Today I have my review of the new Soulblight Gravelords battletome! https://t.co/W73nND5ZNr
@talesofwargames The artwork from the Everchosen battletome is absolutely amazing. Really like the Pretenders piece from the Hedonites book as well.
Word has begun to spread and it's safe to say I am thrilled to have Tayrathi become a real part of The Mortal Realms in the new Daughters of Khaine Battletome!
I love this character I created and I have no plans to stop telling her story!🥰
#Tayrathi #WarhammerCommunity #Kraith
Hedonites battletome are looks so good so far! This shot of the riders is effortlessly a favorite. Every single picture so far, brutal and lithe, rich with color while still conveying unnerving pale hues.
@yorunooniichan アニヲタwikiからの転載で申し訳ないのですが...出展は以下
画像出典:ウォーハンマーAoS「バトルトーム:ディサイプル・オヴ・ティーンチ 第2版」(battletome:Disciples_of_Tzeench)P5 イラストより