“Until the Mountain crushed my brother’s skull, no Dornishmen had died in this War of the Five Kings,” the prince murmured softly, as Hotah pulled a blanket over him. “Tell me, Captain, is that my shame or my glory?”

-Doran Martell, The Watcher, ADWD

55 326

🛩️All greatly damaged but one, which gives almost seven-foot wing spread. Arrangement reminds one of certain monsters of primal myth especially fabled Elder Things in Necronomicon. These wings seem to be membraneous, stretched on frame work of glandular tubing🎨borjapindado🛩️#HPL

5 20

Mysteries of the Force [🎨 BorjaPindado]

13 39

“What of Sarella? She is a woman grown, almost twenty.”

“Unless she returns to Dorne, there’s naught I can do about Sarella save pray that she shows more sense than her sisters. Leave her to her … game.”

-The Captain Of Guards, AFFC

17 105