Caraca enfim uma referência boa pro coracobrachialis ✨♥️✨
Não sei o artista 🙏 Sorry, mas compartilhando pq é um músculo difícil de fazer direito a anatomia!

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Ridiculously awesome view of brachial plexus and peripheral nerves from notquitenetter.

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Anatomy of Brachial plexus (English ver.)

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The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that provides movement & feeling to the shoulder, arm&hand

Upper Brachial Plexus Injury(Erb’s Palsy)
Lower Brachial Plexus Injury(Klumpke’s Palsy)

The ‘M’ shape of brachial plexus, formed by the ulnar, median & musculocutaneous nerves

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I like this BRACHIAL PLEXUS illustration as it demonstrates the nerves in relation to all surrounding bony, vascular, and muscular anatomy. CREDIT: Picturing Medicine

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Axillary artery is the main arterial supply of the upper limb &provides key landmarks for understanding the position of other important structures in the region particularly brachial plexus.
There're many reports of thrombosis& aneurysms of AA & its branches in overhead

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Happy to share our article "Brachial Plexus Birth Palsy: Practical Concepts for Radiologists", published in , where I also had the opportunity to show my artwork. Thank you for your valuable guidance in making this possible!

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Students of Your hx, exam, & rads testing for cervical stenosis is vital, but be great at examining the brachial plexus, peripheral nerves, shoulder/rotator, & thoracic outlet. Start reading on Parsonage Turner, be a star, & save patients from unnecessary ACDFs.

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When thinking about the upper arm, the biceps and triceps are the first muscles that come to mind. It is equally important to remember the brachialis muscle, which is located right underneath the biceps, thus creating the base for the flexors of the upper arm.

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เอ่อ เหมือนเราจะมัวแต่ยุ่งจนลืมไปหรือเปล่าว่าแฟร์ได้ขึ้นแบนเนอร์วันนี้ เรื่องที่แล้วได้ขึ้นวันที่ 11/11 ส่วนเรื่องนี้วันที่ 1/1 เลขสวยมาก 555 คนที่ไม่รู้จัก brachial plexus (หรือแม้แต่คนที่รู้จัก) เห็นชื่อเรื่องแล้วคงมีเกาหัวบ้างแหละ 🥲

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this helps big time, but i still have a hard time understanding past the brachialis. where's our elbow bone at?!?!

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The deltoid tuberosity and general flat portion of the upper humerus tell of the massive surface area for the deltoids and brachialis muscles to attach and run over. The Brachiocephalicus muscle would then run over those and add depth. And with the neck--->

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"Nichts böses im Sinn stürmte ich mit erhobenem Dolch und brachialem Geschrei auf die verwunderte Frau zu..." Oh Gott könnten sich hier schöne Szenen abspielen 😂. Danke für die Idee!

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A brachial plexus block is a regional anesthesia technique used for upper extremity surgery 💪. Check out this I made to summarize the anatomy!

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Day 4 highlighting the of . These posters were used in teaching at , possibly of interest to anyone studying the [Our ref: 5439/5514/5549/5713]

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Not absolutely cerain about the Brachialis in this one. Seems rather large. This is fun.

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Cervical ribs: accessory ribs arising from the seventh cervical vertebra, occur in ~0.5% of the population, can cause thoracic outlet syndrome by compression of the brachial plexus or subclavian artery/vein

Case courtesy of Dr Henry Knipe (),

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Shitty night at work but I got home and my hubs, Dave, told me he put in his first PICC line today. I’m so proud of him.That’s a badass skill to have. (PICC- peripherally inserted central line. Starts in the brachial vein & you guide it to the first 1/3 of the superior vena cava)

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Five Operations That Give the Best Results after Brachial Plexus Injury

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