Happy Birthday to Buzz Aldrin, moon man and puncher of dumbasses.

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Those two characters are both cosmonaut indeed, but the full name of the Pixar spaceman is Buzz Aldrin Lightyear, as a tribute to Buzz Aldrin, one of the three pioneers of the Appolo 11 mission.

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Hola calaveritas ¿como están ? Espero que bien se que ya pasó hace casi dos semanas pero se celebró el alunizaje de los pilotos y en el Apolo 11 y bueno quería conmemorarlo también (aunque algo tarde ) con la pequeña Poiky

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Can’t believe it will be 50 years tomorrow since we landed on the moon. 🌝 It really was one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. 👩‍🚀🌎🚀🌔

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Can’t believe it will be 50 years this since we landed on the 🌝

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🔥Spark• Ignite• Fuel 🙌🏼 with 🗺! There are 💶grants for Ts, too! Great meeting you JIM!

👉🏼Here are some about

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